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Over the years, HeyTVM has been publishing animated gifs and videos that promote positivity and new perspectives on various topics. Sooo many of them include the “Bones” character. This is your chance to own some of these bonetastic animations in NFT form. Once you secure your NFB, it will take 206 minutes to reveal which NFB you now own. There are several color variations of the same animation, but also several pieces that are as rare and priceless as the bones in your body. This series includes 10K randomly generated NFTs that rest in peace on the Ethereum Blockchain.

DROPPING 09.20.21 7PM (EST) Collect your free NFB. Then, if you decide you would like more You can grab up to 10 per transaction.

SOME MEAT ON DEM BONES! 59 Bonetastic animations – 9971 169 color variations for each animated piece. OG Rare – 21 A few of the animations in their original colors and a few other surprises. Infinity Rare – 10 Bones in infinity colorways. Cr8zy Rare – 3 The Hero pieces. You will know them when you see ‘em. I sure hope you get one! 10,005 possibilities!

Head over to to grab some bones! In an effort to stay true to the HeyTVM format, I’m letting everyone get ONE NFB for FREE up front. I also understand you may be hungry for more. If so, have at it! The more you grab at one time the cheaper they are. Boom!